Chevrolet Optra service by top-rated mechanics at the convenience of your home or office

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How much does Chevrolet Optra repair and maintenance cost?

The cost depends on your car, the type of service, and where you live. Here are estimates for a selection of Chevrolet Optra services.

Service Estimate Savings Dealer Estimate Location
Service type Differential / Gear Oil - Front Replacement for 2005 Chevrolet Optra L4-2.0L Estimate $198 Savings 22.65% Dealer Estimate $256 Location Lithonia, GA
Service type Control Arm Assembly - Rear Lower Left Replacement for 2007 Chevrolet Optra L4-2.0L Estimate $396 Savings 36.28% Dealer Estimate $622 Location Detroit, MI
Service type Power Steering Pump Replacement for 2004 Chevrolet Optra L4-2.0L Estimate $676 Savings 36.03% Dealer Estimate $1057 Location Lutz, FL
Service type Wheel Bearings - Driver Side Front Replacement for 2005 Chevrolet Optra L4-2.0L Estimate $496 Savings 39.09% Dealer Estimate $815 Location Rathdrum, ID
Service type Car AC Repair for 2004 Chevrolet Optra L4-2.0L Estimate $390 Savings 32.18% Dealer Estimate $575 Location Richmond, VA
Service type Windshield Wiper Motor - Front Replacement for 2004 Chevrolet Optra L4-2.0L Estimate $399 Savings 34.90% Dealer Estimate $614 Location Glen Mills, PA
Service type Exterior Door Handle - Driver Side Rear Replacement for 2006 Chevrolet Optra L4-2.0L Estimate $268 Savings 29.28% Dealer Estimate $379 Location McLeansville, NC
Service type Exhaust Gas Recirculation/EGR Valve Replacement for 2007 Chevrolet Optra L4-2.0L Estimate $486 Savings 40.64% Dealer Estimate $818 Location Woodinville, WA

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“YourMechanic will come to wherever your car is to perform any of a wide variety of car maintenance and repair services, and will charge you less than you'd normally pay if you were to drop your car off at a garage.”

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"YourMechanic will fix your car at your garage at a fixed hourly rate much lower than their brick-and-mortar counterparts."


Answers to common Chevrolet Optra questions

OBD support
Answered by Jay
Hey there. If you have the OBD-2 connector under the dash directly under the steering column, then the ELM327 will work to scan the vehicle after you download the app. I can tell you that this adapter is very cheaply...
Excess Vibration Front Wheels; knocking sound when going over bumps
Answered by Jeff
What you are describing sounds like a failing CV joint ( A CV (Constant Velocity) joint is a shaft that connects the transmission to the wheels, essentially transferring the power from the drive train directly to the wheels. The CV...
Answered by Tim
Hi there. Most of the time when you see "steam" coming from the overflow tank, it's due to higher than normal or overheating problems within the coolant system. As you know, when coolant and water reach "boiling temperature", water evaporates...
Smoke from engine cooling fan
Answered by John
It's not unusual for a fan to fail, and you can probably get away with replacing just that. But since the fan seized, there may be a blown fuse or fusible link back in the system that will also have...

Fast and easy Chevrolet Optra services at your home or office.

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Most recent Chevrolet Optra recalls


Manufacturer’s report date:
October 15, 2007
NHTSA campaign ID number:


Manufacturer’s report date:
July 19, 2007
NHTSA campaign ID number:

Fast and easy Chevrolet Optra services at your home or office.

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