BMW 535d xDrive service by top-rated mechanics at the convenience of your home or office

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How much does BMW 535d xDrive repair and maintenance cost?

The cost depends on your car, the type of service, and where you live. Here are estimates for a selection of BMW 535d xDrive services.

Service Estimate Savings Dealer Estimate Location
Service type Shock Absorber - Rear Replacement for 2016 BMW 535d xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $747 Savings 40.03% Dealer Estimate $1246 Location Phoenix, AZ
Service type Control Arm Assembly - Front Lower Right Replacement for 2015 BMW 535d xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $596 Savings 28.26% Dealer Estimate $831 Location Ypsilanti, MI
Service type Axle / CV Shaft Assembly - Passenger Side Front Replacement for 2015 BMW 535d xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $468 Savings 41.24% Dealer Estimate $797 Location Philadelphia, PA
Service type Door Lock Actuator - Passenger Side Front Replacement for 2016 BMW 535d xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $496 Savings 33.04% Dealer Estimate $740 Location Joliet, IL
Service type Car Air Filter Replacement for 2015 BMW 535d xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $208 Savings 24.64% Dealer Estimate $277 Location Smyrna, GA
Service type Ignition Coil Replacement for 2014 BMW 535d xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $673 Savings 43.63% Dealer Estimate $1193 Location Tucson, AZ
Service type Car Thermostat Replacement for 2015 BMW 535d xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $537 Savings 28.79% Dealer Estimate $755 Location Golden, CO
Service type Axle / CV Shaft Assembly - Passenger Side Rear Replacement for 2016 BMW 535d xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $924 Savings 43.79% Dealer Estimate $1644 Location Hackensack, NJ

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Answers to common BMW 535d xDrive questions

I have a 2001 BMW 325i. It overheated, engine shut down. When cooled down (24 hours), while water poured in the reservoir I could
Answered by John
I'm not clear on where you see your leak, but if it is in the radiator tank itself, that will mean you at least need a radiator. If the car ran hot until it shut off, there may have been...
Heater valve stuck.
Answered by Jay
The heater control valve ( is mounter under the hood on this vehicle. The valve should be closed when the temperature is set to cold for the rear a/c system. The recommendation would be to have a qualified mechanic check...
Gas smell when car turned off. No leaks or anything 2010 BMW 328i
Answered by Jeff
It sounds like you may have a leak in the fuel tank ventilation system that may be causing the fumes to escape from the fuel tank. This can happen when the venting tubes in the fuel tank are leaking or...
Car shakes at 40-6- mph and brakes squeak
Answered by Spencer
Many different things can cause a vibration at speeds. The most common causes of this would be warped brake rotors (, a damaged suspension component, or tire that is damaged or out of balance. It is possible for this fault...

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