BMW 740Ld xDrive service by top-rated mechanics at the convenience of your home or office

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How much does BMW 740Ld xDrive repair and maintenance cost?

The cost depends on your car, the type of service, and where you live. Here are estimates for a selection of BMW 740Ld xDrive services.

Service Estimate Savings Dealer Estimate Location
Service type Brake Pads - Rear Replacement for 2015 BMW 740Ld xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $281 Savings 31.84% Dealer Estimate $413 Location El Paso, TX
Service type Wheel Bearings - Driver Side Front Replacement for 2015 BMW 740Ld xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $537 Savings 39.99% Dealer Estimate $895 Location Banning, CA
Service type Car Battery Replacement for 2015 BMW 740Ld xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $439 Savings 38.06% Dealer Estimate $709 Location Arcadia, OK
Service type Axle / CV Shaft Assembly - Driver Side Front Replacement for 2015 BMW 740Ld xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $875 Savings 45.27% Dealer Estimate $1600 Location Greenwich, CT
Service type Brake Rotor/Disc - Front Replacement for 2015 BMW 740Ld xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $532 Savings 35.84% Dealer Estimate $829 Location Washington, DC
Service type Window Motor / Regulator Assembly - Passenger Side Rear Replacement for 2015 BMW 740Ld xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $794 Savings 43.48% Dealer Estimate $1404 Location Jacksonville, FL
Service type Control Arm Assembly - Rear Upper Right Replacement for 2015 BMW 740Ld xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $981 Savings 18.92% Dealer Estimate $1210 Location Las Vegas, NV
Service type Car Thermostat Replacement for 2015 BMW 740Ld xDrive L6-3.0L Turbo Diesel Estimate $533 Savings 28.00% Dealer Estimate $741 Location Houston, TX

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Answers to common BMW 740Ld xDrive questions

Coolant leak causes smoke, periodic abnormal engine temp, and no heat inside.
Answered by Marvin
Hi there. Look all over the cooling system for any coolant leaks. When the engine smokes in the mornings, look to see where the smoke is coming from. If a core plug (freeze plug) is leaking, then the coolant will...
2006 BMW X5 White Smoke From Exhaust
Answered by Mia
My guess is the valve stem seals are bad. This is a very common problem with BMW vehicles the same era as yours. As the seals age and harden, they allow oil to seep past the valves and into the...
Wiring harness burned up from short circuit to disa valve
Answered by David
Wow! Very disturbing issues to experience, especially the electrical smoke with your family in the vehicle. Based on what you've told me about you 2998 BMW 740i, this is not going to be a quick one to diagnose and repair....
I currently have a 2008 BMW X3 3.0 si. It has the BMW business stereo in it. This morning I went to go leave for work and the stereo stopped working.
Answered by Marvin
First check the fuse to the stereo and see if its burned. If the fuse is burned, replace the fuse and check the wiring on the radio and see if there is anything loose. If the fuse is good, then...

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