My car only start if the camshaft position sensor is not ...

My car only start if the camshaft position sensor is not Plugged in and even though I just replaced the camshaft sensor in it yesterday it still has no get-up-and-go power Mechanic's Assistant: Which particular sensor are ...

My car only start if the camshaft position sensor is not Plugged in and even though I just replaced the camshaft sensor in it yesterday it still has no get-up-and-go power Mechanic's Assistant: Which particular sensor are you asking about? And have any trouble codes been triggered? Service engine soon light is on that is it I'm not sure what I'm asking I know that I replaced the camshaft position sensor because that's the code that went when the metre was plugged in to the car Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your car? 2005 Nissan Ultima 3.5 liter V6 Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your vehicle yourself? What have you tried so far? I have tried replacing the cam Shaft position sensor that's all that I know to try that's where I am having trouble figuring out what to try next Mechanic's Assistant: Anything else you want the Mechanic to know before I connect you? Yes to please the answer as much as possible so I can understand it

Automotive Expert
"Hi, I'm Roy. Welcome to JustAnswer. I'm reviewing your question now, and will post back with your reply momentarily." You will see an option to receive a phone call prompted by the website, you can agree to or decline. If you do not wish to use the Phone Service, we can continue chatting this way back and forth until you are satisfied with my help. Who Am I speaking with today ?

My name is CarissaMy name is carissa
Automotive Expert
Hi! Carissa Hope I can help sorry to hear about your car not starting did you use a OEM Nissan sensor ? we have had a lot of issues with the after market sensors , and most of the time its a [crank sensor](/topics-crank-sensor/) causing the issues you will need to have the codes inspected first . If you have a auto zone close they will check your codes for free . let me know Thank you Roy!

The code reader only showed for the cam shaft sensor which was replaced last night. It has no power til I put it in the slap shift mode and then once I hit 25 mph I can put it back to drive and it goes like a normal car.If I unplug the camshaft sensor the car starts then I can plug back in while running and drive. But when I try to start it with the sensor plugged in it won't start
Automotive Expert
Did you use a Nissan sensor ? you have 2 cam sensor also do you know the codes If you have a cam sensor code you might want to replace both bank 1 and bank 2 sensors with OEM sensors first Just text me back
Automotive Expert
sensor locations
Automotive Expert
If you have any more questions just post back Thank you Roy!

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