I changed my transmission, did fine for a day then started making clicking noise. Took starter back off, and checked torch converter bolts, but they were tight. Googled it and it said maybe electrical, so I checked all the wires, hook ups, etc. Then I changed the neutral position sensor. Any ideas?
My car has 104000 miles.
My car has an automatic transmission.
Hi Brian. Thanks for contacting us tonight. It really depends on a few important details that we don’t have that might indicate the source of the clicking noise. The first question is whether or not the transmission swapped is an exact OEM replacement, from the same year, make and model. If not, the click might be coming from mounts. It also depends on when this clicking noise is occurring. If it’s while the vehicle is in motion and increases in speed as you accelerate, then perhaps a coupler or input shaft is either loose or is hitting something. I would start by trying to write down the factors about the noise and check components or areas of the driveline that could be causing these noises for starters.
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