The Best Mobile Mechanics in Alexandria, VA

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10 Best Mobile Mechanics in Alexandria, VA

(467 Reviews)
30 years


Hood Latch


by HannahPua from Alexandria, VA 22314

SIMON was caring, empathetic and efficient in solving my problem. Thank you for being there, sir; may GOD bless such a fine character and representative. Have a fantastic day/weekend, too.


by David from Alexandria, VA 22301

Simon diagnosed and fixed the problem quickly and efficiently. He was easy to deal with, professional, courteous, and friendly. I would highly recommend him to anyone who needs a mechanic.

(447 Reviews)
14 years


Strut Assembly


by Warren from Alexandria, VA 22314

This was the first time I used YourMechanic and to say the least I had a great experience. Going to shops and mechanics alike for some time, you always get that feeling that something else is wrong with their tone of voice and how they come off when telling you that extra parts of the car need attention when you know they don't. I had Richard come out to my apartment and he was great. He was an hour early than what was expected. Went through everything that I had been quoted for to see if it was actually needed. Took the time to explain how one can actually fix the part themselves and taught me more about my car than I initially thought. He was done in about an hour with everything that I needed. Because of some of the parts that I was quoted for didn't need to be added, I was reduced my originally price and other inspections were credited toward other services as well. I definitely will be re-booking with Richard.


by Amber from Alexandria, VA 22311

I was very impressed by Richard's knowledge of my BMW and other cars when explaining the process for my repair. I'm very satisfied with the job he did and will recommend him for future repairs if/when necessary!

(423 Reviews)
14 years


by Ty from Alexandria, VA 22308

Tyrone was great--worked fast and was honest and up front about everything. We had to diagnose an issue, and once he had done so, I booked another appointment on the spot for him to fix it later. Great experience.


by Jonathan from Alexandria, VA 22310

Tyrone explained his troubleshooting efforts with me while I watched. He wasn't opposed to my asking questions about the process despite knowing that I would likely do most of the work myself. Excellent mechanic and very friendly.

(282 Reviews)
39 years


by Rachel from Alexandria, VA 22314

My first experience with Your Mechanic. Emmette showed up on time. performed the job as I expected without waiting hours at the dealership. Excellent service. I totally pleased and a happy customer.. Your Mechanic is a great service!


by Joaquin from Alexandria, VA 22309

I feel like I just discovered the next big thing! I can't say enough positive things about Emmette. He was super friendly, took the time to explain everything to me what he was doing and was extremely knowledgeable.

(133 Reviews)
29 years


by Brian from Alexandria, VA 22310

This is my first time using your mechanic for a pre purchase inspection and i have to say the customer services is impeccable. Not to mention, Eugenio was professional and nice to me over the phone. His report was easy to read and understand. Which helps a great deal since i know nothing about cars. I will say yourmechanic has earned a lifetime customer and i will never step foot at a shop where they'll charge me a billion dollars for something simple.




by Maria from Alexandria, VA 22315

Eugenio is an excellent mechanic. He was very knowledgeable and professional. I would trust him with any other car issues. Will be recommending him to others.Thank you !.

(131 Reviews)
25 years


Oil Change


by beverly from Alexandria, VA 22301

Brian is a friendly person that you can ask questions and get a answer back you can understand. Thank you Brian for your courtesy, being professional and thorough.


Oil Change


by Adam from Alexandria, VA 22312

Brian is a very personable guy and a very practical mechanic. Despite some initial complications he persevered and made sure the job was done right. Big thanks to him from my family and I for his work!

(122 Reviews)
22 years


Headlight Bulb


by Matt from Alexandria, VA 22301

Glenn was great. Was at the appointment on time and clearly explained to me the process, what he'd be doing, and estimated time. He completed the work quickly and even passed along advice for maintenance that I appreciated. Would definitely recommend him to anyone.


by Shea from Alexandria, VA 22307

Glenn is great. Good communication, honest, thorough, and on time. The car rides beautifully. This service is going to change the auto repair industry.

(78 Reviews)
21 years


by Wanda from Washington, DC 20018

Michael inspected and restarted my car, but battery is weak. Rescheduled to replace battery. Micheal is very pleasant to work with.


by ANDREW from Washington, DC 20001

Michael is excellent. He arrived when he said he would, and fixed a major problem with my car. Courteous, and professional, he’s the absolute best and got my 21 year old SUV back on the road again!


(53 Reviews)
15 years


by Brittany from Alexandria, VA 22310

Alex did a great job being very thorough with repairing my vehicle. He walked me through the process from top to bottom and provided his professional opinion.

by blanca from Alexandria, VA 22315

Such a professional! He was so personable and knew exactly what he was doing. I hope to use him for my next repair.


(32 Reviews)
19 years


Brake Pads


by Eun from Alexandria, VA 22312

Sam was my very first encounter with Your Mechanic, and I am glad that I signed up. Sam and his partner were efficient and friendly. Because I was a first-time user, I had several questions related to the process and services performed. He responded to my questions with patience and explained the issues with my vehicle in a way that I could easily understand. I want to thank him and his friend again.


by Stephanie from Alexandria, VA 22314

Very professional.

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YourMechanic: The Industry Leader In Mobile Vehicle Repair, Maintenance, and Inspections

Welcome to YourMechanic, where we're all about making vehicle service easy and accessible. No need to worry about towing or going to a shop - our mobile services bring the repair shop right to your doorstep. Trust is essential when it comes to your car's performance and safety, so take a look at what some of our satisfied customers have to say about us. When it comes to car maintenance and repair, convenience and reliability are absolutely crucial. That's where YourMechanic stands out as the leader in the mobile car maintenance and repair industry. Experience the benefits of choosing a trusted mobile mechanic like YourMechanic for all your vehicle maintenance and repair needs. Whether it's a routine check-up or a major repair, we offer over 500 services to keep your vehicle in top condition, we’ll also keep you covered with a 12-Month or 12,000 mile warranty. Don't hesitate - book your first service appointment today or learn more about why YourMechanic is the go-to choice for mobile car maintenance and repairs.

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Featured articles and questions

What is Brake Fade?
Brake fade is the temporary loss or reduction of full brake power. Learn how to reduce the chances of it happening to you.
3 Reasons Your Car Smells like Rotten Eggs
A sulfuric or rotten eggs smell indicates an excess of byproducts left over from failed combustion. Removing the smell requires part replacement.
Understanding Regenerative Braking in Hybrids and EVs
Regenerative brakes are part of what qualifies cars with an electric motor as energy-saving by retaining and using the energy released by braking