Nissan LEAF service by top-rated mechanics at the convenience of your home or office

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How much does Nissan LEAF repair and maintenance cost?

The cost depends on your car, the type of service, and where you live. Here are estimates for a selection of Nissan LEAF services.

Service Estimate Savings Dealer Estimate Location
Service type Window Motor / Regulator Assembly - Passenger Side Front Replacement for 2017 Nissan LEAF Electric Estimate $637 Savings 42.65% Dealer Estimate $1111 Location Cedar Park, TX
Service type Window Motor / Regulator Assembly - Driver Side Front Replacement for 2015 Nissan LEAF Electric Estimate $915 Savings 45.38% Dealer Estimate $1676 Location Milltown, NJ
Service type Windshield Wiper Motor - Rear Replacement for 2015 Nissan LEAF Electric Estimate $324 Savings 37.65% Dealer Estimate $520 Location Walnut Grove, CA
Service type Exhaust Gas Recirculation/EGR Valve Replacement for 2011 Nissan LEAF Electric Estimate $415 Savings 36.26% Dealer Estimate $652 Location Concord, CA
Service type Headlight Bulb - Driver Side Low Beam Replacement for 2018 Nissan LEAF Electric Estimate $189 Savings 16.01% Dealer Estimate $225 Location Seattle, WA
Service type Window Motor / Regulator Assembly - Driver Side Front Replacement for 2017 Nissan LEAF Electric Estimate $597 Savings 43.24% Dealer Estimate $1053 Location Oak Lawn, IL
Service type Exterior Door Handle - Passenger Side Rear Replacement for 2014 Nissan LEAF Electric Estimate $248 Savings 30.40% Dealer Estimate $357 Location Loganville, GA
Service type Control Arm Assembly - Front Upper Right Replacement for 2013 Nissan LEAF Electric Estimate $616 Savings 40.66% Dealer Estimate $1039 Location Nashville, TN

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Answers to common Nissan LEAF questions

Advise on what to use for automatic transmission fluid
Answered by Jeff
Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) can be petroleum-based, partially synthetic, or totally synthetic-based oil. All domestic automobile manufacturers require a petroleum-based fluid in their automatic transmissions. Some import manufacturers require the use of a partially synthetic fluid. ATF is a petroleum-based...
How do I view the fuel economy feature?
Answered by YourMechanic
The fuel economy feature displays the approximate fuel economy that your vehicle is getting at the present moment, as well as the average fuel consumption since the last reset. To access the fuel economy, press the Trip Computer switch until...
After a fuel injector/throttle body cleaning, my Idle goes up and down constantly in park. When in gear it doesnt.
Answered by Tim
Hi DeShon. Thanks for contacting us today. Usually, when a mechanic cleans a throttle body and fuel injectors with a chemical additive, it's seafoam; which can be rather harsh on sensors and other fuel system components. This is often the...
Car not accelerating and sputtering
Answered by Evan
There are many reasons why your car will not accelerate. Is the Check Engine Light on? There could be a faulty sensor that is confusing the computer in your vehicle. When this happens your car will not run correctly. I...

Fast and easy Nissan LEAF services at your home or office.

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Most recent Nissan LEAF recalls


Manufacturer’s report date:
September 21, 2020
NHTSA campaign ID number:


Manufacturer’s report date:
July 16, 2020
NHTSA campaign ID number:


Manufacturer’s report date:
September 11, 2019
NHTSA campaign ID number:


Manufacturer’s report date:
April 12, 2017
NHTSA campaign ID number:

Fast and easy Nissan LEAF services at your home or office.

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