New radiator was installed but car started to run hot, we allowed it to cool for 24 hours, suspected that air was in the radiator so we bleed it, but heater kept going from hot to warm, drove it about 6 miles and the bottom hose blew off. What could be the problem? Please tell me it's the thermostat
My car has 15300 miles.
Thermostat Replacement | $157.20 - $759.78 | Get a Quote |
Water Pump Replacement | $187.27 - $1236.57 | Get a Quote |
Serpentine/Drive Belt Replacement | $111.60 - $349.96 | Get a Quote |
Car is overheating Inspection | $94.99 - $114.99 | Get a Quote |
If the car was not overheating prior to installing the new radiator, it is possible there was air trapped. There are air purge points (little bolts that are cross drilled) at high points in the system that are opened when refilling coolant.
If the car was already overheating prior to installing the radiator, and there is presently no trapped air, there are quite a few possibilities for the continued overheating including a faulty thermostat, problem with the water pump or drive belt, cooling obstruction, faulty radiator fan, blown head gasket, and a variety of engine management faults.
The blown off hose, if not due to a loose clamp, is suggestive of high internal pressure such as you would get if the head gasket is leaking exhaust into the coolant.
If you’re unable to solve the issue yourself, YourMechanic can diagnose the cooling problem you are having during a mobile visit to your home.
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