My son has a 2014 Jeep Patriot. The battery was dying. He...

My son has a 2014 Jeep Patriot. The battery was dying. He could jump it and it would start and run. He gets a new battery and now it will not start. Is there some interlock that needs reset ? Mechanic's Assistant: Have you...

My son has a 2014 Jeep Patriot. The battery was dying. He could jump it and it would start and run. He gets a new battery and now it will not start. Is there some interlock that needs reset ? Mechanic's Assistant: Have you checked the battery, particularly the terminal connections? Are they corroded? He is checking now, but they look ok. Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your Patriot yourself? What have you tried so far? The battery was replaced at an AUtoZone.

Automotive Expert
Hello my name is\*\*\*\*\* am going to help you with your question. There is nothing that needs to be reset. First thing to do would be to make sure all connections are tight phone call. thanks
Automotive Expert
Are you getting any lights then the car is on? Is it cranking?

lights come on. engine does not turn over.starter does not even try to turn the engine.
Automotive Expert
Any clicking?

not that i know of. my son is in a remote location from me.battery cables ?
Automotive Expert
Sounds like a starter issue. If you have lights the battery is connected

but it started for him to drive to the Autozone ...
Automotive Expert
Starters have a habit of dying intermittently

Could the anti theft system be engaged somehow ?
Automotive Expert
If he has a meter he can check for power at the starter relay.No it is not the anti-theft

Automotive Expert
I would check for power at the relay, then at the starter

where is the starter relay ?
Automotive Expert
Top left

OK thanks
Automotive Expert
You are welcome. Once you have an update please let me know

ok thanks for your help
Automotive Expert
No problem

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