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P2744 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) for "Transmission Fluid Temperature Sensor B Circuit Interm". This can happen for multiple reasons and a mechanic needs to diagnose the specific cause for this code to be triggered in your situation. Our certified mobile mechanics can come to your home or office to perform the Check Engine Light diagnostic for $154.99 . Once we are able to diagnose the problem, you will be provided with an upfront quote for the recommended fix and receive $50.0 off as a credit towards the repair. All our repairs are backed by our 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
*Estimates may vary by market
The P2744 code represents that your vehicle’s PCM has detected the transmission temperature is higher or lower than acceptable.
If you see this code, your transmission is either heating up past a tolerable rate or the transmission temperature sensor voltage reading has malfunctioned. This code could be logged if the temperature falls below the normal range as well (though this is rarer). Simply put, something is causing the temperature in your transmission to be too extreme, and your vehicle is at risk of no longer working.
There are a handful of causes that could have triggered your vehicle to store a P2744 code. These would be:
Aside from a Check Engine Light coming on, your transmission will most likely make it perfectly clear that there is a problem when the P2744 code is stored. You may notice a distinctive smell coming from the transmission that represents the fluid being overheated. Smoke may even come out from under your hood.
Other common signs would involve the transmission’s performance. It could begin slipping or even refuse to engage. Attempting to continue to drive or get the ignition to start in these situations will most likely bring about the above symptoms.
Depending on the extent of the damage that was done to your vehicle, the mechanic will most likely begin their diagnosis by checking the transmission. Before they can proceed with finding the source of the problem, they may need to repair any leaks and then fill it with enough transmission fluid.
Once the transmission can function again, the code should be cleared and the vehicle turned on and test driven to see if it reappears. If the problem continues – or if the transmission was never damaged in the first place – the mechanic will turn their focus to the transmission temperature sensor.
Proper diagnosis will require an OBD-II scanner and a digital ohmmeter. Aside from using these tools, simple visual inspections will also need to be carried out to assess the health of the wiring and connectors.
If you don’t properly inspect the transmission, it could be suffering from subtle damage that will hinder the rest of the diagnostics. Until it’s not back to 100% – which could require a whole rebuild – don’t continue with trying to address any other problems.
You definitely don’t want to keep operating your vehicle once the symptoms associated with the P2744 code occur. At the very least, you run the risk of further damaging your vehicle which will mean spending more to get it back into working order. However, you could also injure yourself or others once it begins overheating.
As we mentioned earlier, the entire transmission could need to be rebuilt or at least repaired
Replacing the transmission fluid if it was too low
The transmission temperature sensor may need to be replaced
Compromised wirings and connectors will have to be replaced
In some cases, the PCM may be malfunctioning and in need of repairs
If, when replacing the transmission fluid, you smell that something has burnt, you’ll actually need to carry out a full inspection to ensure there wasn’t further damage done to the system. Simply adding more transmission fluid won’t be enough.
If you would like the help of a certified mobile mechanic at your home or place of work, YourMechanic is here to help. You can call us at 1-800-701-6230 to speak with a service advisor or just complete this online form. We’ll provide you with a free quote and make sure a mechanic is looking at your vehicle ASAP.
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