The abs light came up suddenly in the dash. What I need to do? Is there any simple ways to fix it?
My car has 130000 miles.
My car has an automatic transmission.
ABS Light is on Inspection | $94.99 - $114.99 | Get a Quote |
ABS refers to the Anti-lock Braking System. It is a computer controlled system that modulates the brake pressure to individual wheels if they are starting to lock up. The ABS controller is constantly monitoring the various sensors and devices in the system and if something doesn’t pass the self test, it turns on the light and shuts off the ABS function. This doesn’t mean you don’t have brakes. It means that if you are in a panic stop or braking hard on a slippery road, you may have one or more wheels lock up and skid making the car more difficult to control. The next step is to have the system scanned to read the trouble codes that the controller logged when it turned on the light. Those codes will help a technician make a diagnosis. More often than not, it will turn out to be a bad wheel speed sensor, which is a relatively inexpensive part of the system. To have this checked out at your convenience, you can contact Your Mechanic. They can send a technician to your home or office to check out your ABS and let you know what it will take to fix it.
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