The Best Mobile Mechanics in Gardena, CA

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10 Best Mobile Mechanics in Gardena, CA

(979 Reviews)
23 years




by Ver from Gardena, CA 90247

Kenneth arrived earlier than originally scheduled due to an earlier cancellation. I’m glad to have had him work on my truck. I tried all I could to fix it myself and then decided to go with YourMechanic. I was able to get a replacement starter and Kenneth had better tools to get the job done. Aside from flawlessly getting the job done, my truck immediately started with the new starter as expected. We then had a great conversation about personal finance, auto and general business stuff. I would highly recommend Kenneth for any job!!


by Erik from Gardena, CA 90249

Kennith was great! He was on time, he diagnosed the problem, and fixed it in a timely manner. He’s really knowledgeable

(337 Reviews)
17 years
by John from Gardena, CA 90248

Ricardo was great. He was not able to completely fix my truck because the parts were not readily available, but he got it workable. Thanks again. John Juge

by Lewis from Gardena, CA 90249

Absolutley the best, very knowledgable and straight forward. Couldn't have asked for a better visit.

(303 Reviews)
25 years


by Pua from Gardena, CA 90249

Rocco was great. He is friendly & knowledgeable. I found yourmechanic online and took a chance by using them and am glad I did. I loved the convenience of Rocco coming to my house. My husband & I have three small kids. I was able to cook dinner while the car was being checked. That alone was a blessing.


Brake Pads


by Rafael from Gardena, CA 90247

Rocco is The Man! Knowledgeable, efficient, with great positive attitude + Great Service/Price delivered by . Thank you Rocco & thank you The Mechanic .com P.S.: Rocco, change your profile picture man!!! You look a lot better & more healthier than old you on picture kkk Once again, thank you Very Much!

(195 Reviews)
39 years


Headlight Bulb


by Marilyn from Gardena, CA 90249

I was a little late due to LA traffic conditions but David was very pleasant about it. Ran into a little difficult moment but over all it was a great first time experience. Need my brakes done next and will definitely call My Mechanic


by denise from Gardena, CA 90248

David was awesome! Very thorough in trying to find the issue with my car. He explained everything to me and showed me what he was doing. He was able to ease my fears if the codes were to come up. Thank you for making me feel safe again in my car. Receipt and inspection report come along with the service.

(171 Reviews)
2 years


by Adriana from Gardena, CA 90248

It’s the first time using this type of service and i loved it thanks to José! He explained everything he was performing on my vehicle and he found the problem. I would definitely use this again!


Brake Pads


by Jeanette from Gardena, CA 90249

Very on point being on time and a great mechanic

(71 Reviews)
22 years


by Lee from Gardena, CA 90249

Luis was very personable, friendly, and punctual. Was willing to help us get some questions answered and point us in the right direction. We have a few more mechanical issues we will need to have addressed. Luis will be the mechanic we call. Thank you for the great service and assistance.

(62 Reviews)
19 years


Oil Change


by Rafael from Gardena, CA 90247

Great personality, was professional and got the job done. I would recommend his services.

(19 Reviews)
9 years


by John from Santa Monica, CA 90404

Dennis was friendly, professional and on time! He took some information on my car and told me he would come an get me when he was done. He was completely finished in a little less than 30 minutes, removing the old cv front axle and replacing it. Everything was clean and neat with nothing left undone. Amazing. I wanted to call all of my friends to tell them about my experience. I didn't have to drive around to different shops to get it done and once they had my car apart, tell me it would be two days before they could get the part. He showed up with the part and did it.




by Ariadna from Los Angeles, CA 90024

Denniss was very professional and nice. He helped us figure out which were all the car problems and the next steps. I really recommend him!

(11 Reviews)
22 years


Oil Change


by Shannon from Los Angeles, CA 90036

Thanks Israel! He was early and super quick, He didn't even think my social distancing request was weird when I tossed him my keys from 6+ feet away. Thanks for being super accommodating! Would highly recommend.


Oil Change


by Jonathon from Los Angeles, CA 90034

Israel arrived early and was quick and efficient changing the oil and filter in my Acura. He also showed me the oil level and the packages for the oil and filter he used, as well as resetting the oil indicator light. He also recommended replacing my front shocks & struts and showed me where they are wearing down. I highly recommend him. Thank you for everything Israel.

(10 Reviews)
9 years




by Fernando from Los Angeles, CA 90007

Martin was great. He showed up on time, got the service done, answered my questions and gave me a nice feedback on the overall car condition.

by George from Los Angeles, CA 90015

Martin is a true pro. Came to my office and on my 2012 Jeep JKUR knocked out the PS pump and belt in no time. Highly recommended.

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7 AM - 9 PM

7 days a week

Phone Number

1 (855) 347-2779

Phone Hours

6 AM - 5 PM PST

Mon - Fri

7 AM - 4 PM PST

Sat - Sun


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Our certified mobile mechanics perform over 600 services, including diagnostics, brakes, belts, oil changes, 30k/60k/90k maintenances, and will come to you with all necessary parts and tools.
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Welcome to YourMechanic, where we're all about making vehicle service easy and accessible. No need to worry about towing or going to a shop - our mobile services bring the repair shop right to your doorstep. Trust is essential when it comes to your car's performance and safety, so take a look at what some of our satisfied customers have to say about us. When it comes to car maintenance and repair, convenience and reliability are absolutely crucial. That's where YourMechanic stands out as the leader in the mobile car maintenance and repair industry. Experience the benefits of choosing a trusted mobile mechanic like YourMechanic for all your vehicle maintenance and repair needs. Whether it's a routine check-up or a major repair, we offer over 500 services to keep your vehicle in top condition, we’ll also keep you covered with a 12-Month or 12,000 mile warranty. Don't hesitate - book your first service appointment today or learn more about why YourMechanic is the go-to choice for mobile car maintenance and repairs.

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Featured articles and questions

Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Power Steering Pump Pulley
Common signs include a burning smell from the engine or choppy steering that may completely fail.
How to Diagnose an Ignition Key That Won’t Turn
If your car key won't turn in the ignition and your steering wheel locks it's easy to fix. Try jiggling the steering wheel and checking the battery.
Symptoms of a Bad or Failing Pitman Arm
If your steering wheel feels loose, you loose the ability to steer, or the car starts wandering on the road, you may need to replace the pitman arm.