The guide to colored curb zone laws in Arkansas
Drivers in Arkansas need to be careful when they are driving on the roadways. They need to pay attention to the other motorists, and they have to obey the laws and regulations. However, they also have a responsibility when it comes to how and where they can park their vehicle. If you park your vehicle in the wrong location, it could be towed away, and you will likely receive a fine. There are a number of things you need to remember, particularly with the colored curbs, as they will denote where you can and cannot park.
What do the colors mean?
When you see a red curb, it means that it is a fire zone. This means you must never park or stop in those areas or you will surely get a fine. If you see a yellow curb, it indicates that it is a loading zone where you can load and unload gear from your vehicle, at least in most cases. There may be other restrictions with some curbs, and in those cases, you will generally see signage that indicates whether you can park their or not.
Other parking regulations and laws to remember
In addition to knowing and understanding the curb color zones, there are a number of other areas where you are not going to be able to park without risk of fine or towing. You can never park in an intersection or on a crosswalk or sidewalk. If there is a construction area, you cannot park in a manner that would block traffic.
You are not allowed to park within 20 feet of a crosswalk when it is at an intersection. You can’t park within 30 feet of stop signs, yield signs, or traffic signals, or within 30 feet of a pedestrian safety zone. Do not park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or within 50 feet of a railroad crossing. It is illegal to block alleys, driveways, and private roads. You can’t block areas where the curb has been removed to provide access to the sidewalk either.
You have to park more than 20 feet from a fire station driveway if you are on the same side of the street, and 75 feet away if you are on the opposite side of the street. In addition, keep watch for signs that can indicate where you can and cannot park.
The fines
Depending on the law that you break, as well as the city or town where you broke the law, the fines can be very different. Each of the cities will set their own rules and fines for parking violations. It is always a good idea to look up the fines in your area for parking alongside a colored curb when you aren’t supposed to be there. Once you know the rules for your location, make sure that you obey them so you do not have to pay a fine or deal with your vehicle being towed.
Always follow the regulations and laws when you are parking your vehicle, and you should not have to worry about any fines.