Land Rover Defender 130 service by top-rated mechanics at the convenience of your home or office

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How much does Land Rover Defender 130 repair and maintenance cost?

The cost depends on your car, the type of service, and where you live. Here are estimates for a selection of Land Rover Defender 130 services.

Service Estimate Savings Dealer Estimate Location
Service type Cabin Air Filter Replacement for 2023 Land Rover Defender 130 L6-3.0L Turbo Hybrid Estimate $192 Savings 18.99% Dealer Estimate $238 Location Suffolk, VA
Service type Car Air Filter Replacement for 2023 Land Rover Defender 130 L6-3.0L Turbo Hybrid Estimate $187 Savings 19.50% Dealer Estimate $232 Location Carrollton, GA
Service type Car Air Filter Replacement for 2024 Land Rover Defender 130 L6-3.0L Turbo Hybrid Estimate $202 Savings 16.81% Dealer Estimate $243 Location Jacksonville Beach, FL
Service type Car Battery Replacement for 2023 Land Rover Defender 130 L6-3.0L Turbo Hybrid Estimate $513 Savings 37.75% Dealer Estimate $824 Location Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Service type Cabin Air Filter Replacement for 2024 Land Rover Defender 130 L6-3.0L Turbo Hybrid Estimate $193 Savings 21.00% Dealer Estimate $245 Location Yorkville, IL
Service type Car Battery Replacement for 2024 Land Rover Defender 130 L6-3.0L Turbo Hybrid Estimate $503 Savings 39.16% Dealer Estimate $827 Location Warwick, RI

Fast and easy Land Rover Defender 130 services at your home or office.

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“Finding a trusted mechanic at a reasonable price can be extremely difficult. With YourMechanic you can skip the auto shop altogether. They send certified and screened mechanics straight to your door and enable you to save big on car repair and maintenance.”


“YourMechanic will come to wherever your car is to perform any of a wide variety of car maintenance and repair services, and will charge you less than you'd normally pay if you were to drop your car off at a garage.”

– INC.

"YourMechanic will fix your car at your garage at a fixed hourly rate much lower than their brick-and-mortar counterparts."


Answers to common Land Rover Defender 130 questions

No coolant in the reservoir. Seen low coolant message. I added 2 quarts of 50/50 coolant. Still getting the message. How much coolant doe it need?
Answered by Marvin
Hi there. For the coolant light to go out, you would need to have the coolant between the low line and the full line for the light to go out. If the coolant is low and keeps on being low,...
Antifreeze leakage
Answered by Jeff
Hey there. This sounds like you may have a leak somewhere in your coolant system. This is common and should not be a big issue if taken care of timely. I would not recommend driving the vehicle until this is...
brake noise at low speeds
Answered by Jessica
Hello. Thank you for writing in. Typically minor noises from the brakes when the vehicle is moving slowly is normal. Brake dust and dirt is one of the most common. Eventually this debris is rubbed off by the brake pads...
Car uneven
Answered by Robert
This comes up quite often on this vehicle. Most of the time it is caused by a bad front air spring. Over time the air springs rust out because they are made of rubber. Once the rubber cracks the air...

Fast and easy Land Rover Defender 130 services at your home or office.

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