The Best Mobile Mechanics in Essex Fells, NJ

Our certified mechanics come to you · Backed by 12-month, 12,000-mile guarantee · Fair and transparent pricing

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Choose from 600+ repair, maintenance, and diagnostic services backed by our 12-month, 12,000-mile warranty.

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Continue with your day while our mechanic fixes your car onsite. You pay only after the job is done.

6 Best Mobile Mechanics in Essex Fells, NJ

(1393 Reviews)
22 years


by Franz from Essex Fells, NJ 07021

Great job!!!

(367 Reviews)
24 years


by Bonnie from Paterson, NJ 07513

Thorough evaluation of a car I was considering purchasing pointed out a number of invisible and costly issues. Thankful to have this information as part of my decision making.


by Spyros from Totowa, NJ 07512

This man is the Car Whisperer. If your vehicle were the opposite sex, it would leave you for Doctor Medina after the first diagnosis. Miguel is some kind of wizard, PhD & probably an astronaut working for Elon Musk all in one. Do not call a shop if you can schedule Astronaut Wizard Miguel. Don't worry, according to experts, your car is an asexual, inanimate object. It won't leave you after Miguel is done with it


(171 Reviews)
24 years


50 Point Inspection


by Gonzalo from Port Reading, NJ 07064

Christopher is a great guy, knowledgeable and fast and gets the job done good, recommend him getting your service done if needed. Great guy to talk to!


Spark Plugs


by Evelyn from Orange, NJ 07050

Chris is very knowledgeable and seems to tell the truth. He keeps it real and shows you exactly what you are looking at as the customer. Since he has done my work I have no problems. Would definitely recommend using Chris as I will in the future.

(148 Reviews)
21 years


by Meegan from Orange, NJ 07050

She is absolutely amazing and professional. She goes above and beyond. She is knowledgeable like the information comes so easy to her. She knows her stuff truly!


by Nicole from Jersey City, NJ 07307

Diana is great- this is the second time she has been my mechanic via this app. She is super communicative and knows her stuff. Really appreciate the convenience as I have two jobs and it is hard to get to an actual shop! Thanks again!

(38 Reviews)
17 years


by Timothy from Glen Ridge, NJ 07028

Great Experience, very thorough. He took his time to figure out what the cause of the problem was. I was very thankful for his insight. Super friendly guy as well! Will definitely recommend him again. Thank you.


by Sean from Elizabeth, NJ 07201

Edgar was on time, professional and extremely helpful. He answered all of my questions and didn’t try to push me towards any unnecessary services. Really great experience overall.

(10 Reviews)
25 years


Brake Pads


by Samari from Newark, NJ 07106

Lee was amazing!! Thorough with the inspection on the car as was his communication. I knew everything that he was doing and an estimated time it would take. Would 1000% recommend


AC Belt


by Cecily from South Amboy, NJ 08879

Lee is a great mechanic with a lot of experience who clearly knows what he is doing. I would recommend him to anyone who needs a mechanic.

Excellent Auto Repair Ratings

1000+ positive reviews nationwide

Essex Fells Service Rating

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Essex Fells Auto Repair

Service Hours

7 AM - 9 PM

7 days a week

Phone Number

1 (855) 347-2779

Phone Hours

6 AM - 5 PM PST

Mon - Fri

7 AM - 4 PM PST

Sat - Sun


We come to you at no extra charge


12-month/12,000-mile warranty

Our certified mobile mechanics perform over 600 services, including diagnostics, brakes, belts, oil changes, 30k/60k/90k maintenances, and will come to you with all necessary parts and tools.
Get a fair transparent quote instantly before booking.

Essex Fells Service Area

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Welcome to YourMechanic, where we're all about making vehicle service easy and accessible. No need to worry about towing or going to a shop - our mobile services bring the repair shop right to your doorstep. Trust is essential when it comes to your car's performance and safety, so take a look at what some of our satisfied customers have to say about us. When it comes to car maintenance and repair, convenience and reliability are absolutely crucial. That's where YourMechanic stands out as the leader in the mobile car maintenance and repair industry. Experience the benefits of choosing a trusted mobile mechanic like YourMechanic for all your vehicle maintenance and repair needs. Whether it's a routine check-up or a major repair, we offer over 500 services to keep your vehicle in top condition, we’ll also keep you covered with a 12-Month or 12,000 mile warranty. Don't hesitate - book your first service appointment today or learn more about why YourMechanic is the go-to choice for mobile car maintenance and repairs.

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