Pontiac Tempest service by top-rated mechanics at the convenience of your home or office

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How much does Pontiac Tempest repair and maintenance cost?

The cost depends on your car, the type of service, and where you live. Here are estimates for a selection of Pontiac Tempest services.

Service Estimate Savings Dealer Estimate Location
Service type Fuel Pressure Regulator Replacement for 1991 Pontiac Tempest L4-2.2L Estimate $268 Savings 28.45% Dealer Estimate $375 Location Jacksonville, FL
Service type Window Motor / Regulator Assembly - Driver Side Front Replacement for 1990 Pontiac Tempest L4-2.2L Estimate $426 Savings 34.08% Dealer Estimate $646 Location Saint Petersburg, FL
Service type Brake Light Switch Replacement for 1991 Pontiac Tempest V6-3.1L Estimate $184 Savings 12.68% Dealer Estimate $210 Location Tempe, AZ
Service type Brake Caliper - Driver Side Front Replacement for 1991 Pontiac Tempest L4-2.2L Estimate $417 Savings 24.68% Dealer Estimate $553 Location Walpole, MA
Service type Control Arm Assembly - Rear Upper Left Replacement for 1990 Pontiac Tempest L4-2.2L Estimate $225 Savings 25.69% Dealer Estimate $303 Location Newport News, VA
Service type Car Battery Terminal Ends Replacement for 1991 Pontiac Tempest V6-3.1L Estimate $182 Savings 11.34% Dealer Estimate $205 Location Dallas, TX
Service type Brake Pads - Rear Replacement for 1990 Pontiac Tempest V6-3.1L Estimate $267 Savings 25.11% Dealer Estimate $357 Location Pittsburgh, PA
Service type Brake Caliper - Passenger Side Rear Replacement for 1990 Pontiac Tempest V6-3.1L Estimate $495 Savings 26.30% Dealer Estimate $672 Location Moraga, CA

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"YourMechanic will fix your car at your garage at a fixed hourly rate much lower than their brick-and-mortar counterparts."


Answers to common Pontiac Tempest questions

Blowing cold air, overheating. Thermostat is new.
Answered by Jay
You either have a bad water pump impeller is worn down and not pumping fluid or the radiator is clogged. I would recommend having the engine checked for a blown head gasket checking to see of combustion gas is getting...
Small engine fire, Put out w antifreeze.
Answered by Jay
I would recommend letting the vehicle cool completely and then wash off oil with soapy water and a soft brush and rinse real good with low pressure water. Let vehicle dry and then you should be able to start and...
Popping noise when turnning the wheel, and want reverse straight, or stop reversing
Answered by Jeff
This is a common sign of a failing CV joint. A CV (Constant Velocity) joint is a shaft that connects the transmission to the wheels, essentially transferring the power from the drive train directly to the wheels. The CV joint...

Fast and easy Pontiac Tempest services at your home or office.

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